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freaks geeks and cool kids teenagers in an era of consumerism standardized tests and social media pdf
Freaks, geeks, and cool kids are all different social groups that exist among teenagers in an era dominated by consumerism, standardized tests, and social media. The freaks are typically the non-conformists who march to the beat of their own drum, often ostracized by mainstream society for their unconventional beliefs and behaviors. Geeks, on the other hand, are usually the intellectually curious individuals who excel academically and have a passion for niche interests such as technology, science, or gaming. The cool kids are the popular, trend-following teenagers who are often seen as the social elite, setting the standard for what is considered fashionable or desirable. In this era of consumerism, teenagers are bombarded with advertisements and media messages that encourage them to buy the latest products in order to fit in or be seen as successful. Standardized tests have become a major source of stress for many students, as they are often used to measure academic achievement and determine future opportunities. Social media has also had a significant impact on teenage culture, with platforms like Instagram and Snapchat shaping how they communicate, express themselves, and seek validation from their peers. Overall, the dynamics between these different social groups are constantly evolving in response to the pressures and influences of modern society.